Doors opens at 7:15 am for registration.
Join us for a day of expert presentations, networking, and a chance to learn from the best in the beekeeping industry! Our conference features a variety of topics, including sustainable beekeeping practices, honeybee health, and innovative approaches to apiary management. Enjoy lunch, a 50-50 raffle, silent auction, and local vendor booths.
Featured Speakers
[ ] Dr. Humberto Boncristiani – Pesticides: The Hidden Harm to Bees and All of Us
Explore the dangers of pesticide exposure to honeybees and the broader environmental impacts, and how we can reduce these effects for the benefit of bees and humans.
[ ] Mel Disselkoen – OTS (On-the-Spot) Queen Rearing
Learn the on-the-spot methods for raising high-quality queens, focusing on practical, hands-on techniques that can be applied immediately to your apiary.
[ ] Donovan Bredenkamp – Apiary & Bee Risk Management
Gain insights into managing the risks associated with beekeeping, including environmental factors, disease prevention, and legal considerations.
[ ] Cecilia Infante – Psychedelic and Functional Mushroom Honeys: Think Outside the Jar
Explore the innovative world of functional mushroom honeys and how they can be a valuable addition to your hive products.
[ ] James Lee – Treatment Averse Beekeeping: Avoiding the Chemical Treadmill and the Future of Resistance Breeding
Learn about treatment-free beekeeping practices, focusing on sustainable approaches without relying on chemical treatments.
[ ] Andrew Connor – The Different Bees & Their Jobs
Discover the fascinating world of different types of bees and their roles within the hive, including worker bees, drones, and queens.
[ ] Kristine Jacobson – Part I: Apitherapy, Rx for Health, Naturally from the Honeybee
Learn about the healing properties of bee products and how apitherapy (using bee venom and other products) can benefit human health.
[ ] Kim Marie Wood – My First Year of Beekeeping: No Mistakes, Only Lessons
Share in the personal journey through the first year of beekeeping, including challenges, mistakes, and valuable lessons learned along the way.
[ ] Richard Wahl – Swarm, Splits, and Sustainability
Covering the essentials of swarm management, making splits, and creating a sustainable beekeeping operation.
[ ] Ana Heck – Colony Necropsy and Varroa
Learn how to conduct a colony necropsy to determine the causes of colony collapse, with a focus on the effects of varroa mites.
[ ] Richard Wieske – Propolis & Pollen: The Other Gold in Them Thar Hives
Learn about two valuable bee products—propolis and pollen—how to harvest them, and the health benefits they provide.
[ ] Dr. Melissa Holahan – Top 5 Diseases Seen in the Hive (From a Veterinary Perspective)
Expert insights into the top five diseases commonly seen in honeybee colonies, how to identify, treat, and prevent them.
[ ] Michael Sautter – Hive Inspection Fundamentals for Beginner Beekeepers
A hands-on session for beginners, covering the basics of hive inspections and checking for signs of disease and pest issues.
[ ] Senad Livadic – Health Benefits of Beehive Products
Explore the many health benefits of beehive products, including honey, royal jelly, and propolis.
[ ] Lisa Stinson – What to Expect When You Don’t Know What to Expect
Shed light on some surprises and challenges encountered in the early days of beekeeping and how to be prepared.
[ ] Clay Ottoni – The Art of Cut Comb Honey
Learn the art of producing cut comb honey, a popular and attractive honey product, and how to harvest, prepare, and market it.
[ ] Jamie Walters – The Business of Beekeeping (Sch C / F)
Learn about the key aspects of turning beekeeping into a business, including tax considerations and understanding Schedule C and F for tax purposes.
Additional Info
- Boxed Lunch: $18 (Includes sandwich, canned beverage, cookie, mint, dill pickle, and fresh fruit)
- Prize Giveaway & Silent Auction
- Vendors: Local beekeeping supply vendors will be available throughout the day.
Don’t miss out! Register today to secure your spot and join us for an unforgettable event filled with learning, fun, and networking!
The conference schedule and vendors will be announced soon!