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Southeastern Michigan Beekeepers Association

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Bylaws of Southeastern Michigan Beekeepers Association, Inc. Revised and adopted (April 2023)

Article 1. Membership

1.1 Statement of Non-discrimination

SEMBA is a nonprofit organization open to membership regardless of race, color, religion or creed, gender, gender expression, age, national origin or ancestry, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status. Any individual person who is interested SEMBA’s purposes is eligible for membership.

1.2 Membership Categories

Membership in SEMBA shall include two categories: paid membership and life membership. Members shall receive a complimentary electronic monthly newsletter curated and sent by SEMBA.

(a) Paid membership

Any individual person who is interested SEMBA’s purposes is eligible for membership and may become a paid member by submitting the required membership dues and agreeing to be governed by this constitution and its bylaws.

(b) Life membership

Any person who has paid for life membership dues is permitted under a grandfather clause. Life members shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of paid members but shall be exempt from payment of dues. Life membership is no longer available for individuals who are not already grandfathered in.

1.3 Membership Applications

All applications for membership must be made online on SEMBA’s website and must be accompanied by the dues for the membership. Individuals may sign up for membership at any period in time.

1.4 Dues

Members shall pay yearly dues for SEMBA membership. Life members are exempt from yearly dues. Upon acceptance of the membership dues, the member is entitled to receive a copy of SEMBA’s constitution and bylaws.

Membership runs for one year from the date that the member signs up, and dues are renewed yearly at each member's anniversary date. Any dues not paid within one month after the expired year of membership are said to be delinquent and membership is canceled.

Dues for the year of membership shall be determined by the Executive Committee.

1.5 Donations

Any member wishing to donate funds toward a specific program may do so. Such funds shall be earmarked and spent only for the benefit of the program so specified at the time of the donation.

Article 2. Duties of Officers

2.1 President

The president shall preside at all meetings of SEMBA, call meetings of the Executive Committee, and approve all bills of the treasurer. The president shall appoint all committees designated by the constitution and bylaws, and such other committees deemed necessary.

2.2 Vice-President

The vice-president shall, in the absence of the president, perform all the duties of that office and shall perform such other duties as assigned by the president. In event of a vacancy in the office of president, the vice-president shall assume the title and duties of president, subject to approval of the Executive Committee. The order of succession among elected officers is in accordance with the sequence listed in the constitution’s Section V.01.

2.3 Secretary

The secretary shall keep an accurate record of all minutes of the regular and special meetings of the association and the Executive Committee. The secretary shall perform such other duties within the Executive Committee as assigned by the president.

2.4 Treasurer

The treasurer shall perform all duties usually connected with this office for a non-profit organization under the Laws of the State of Michigan and the United States. These duties include the collection of funds and depositing such funds in the name of SEMBA in an approved bank or financial institution. The treasurer shall disperse funds only upon the approval of the president, shall keep the accounts of SEMBA and submit a current financial report at each meeting of the Executive Committee. Following the annual audit, the treasurer shall make a formal financial report of the preceding year.

2.5 Historian

The historian shall maintain the archives of SEMBA and provide periodic summaries of SEMBA activities as requested by the president.

2.6 Secretary and Treasurer

The secretary and treasurer shall be jointly responsible to maintain a current mailing list and shall complete such mailing to the membership as are required.

2.7 Representative to the Michigan Beekeepers Association

The SEMBA Representative to the Michigan Beekeepers Association (MBA) shall attend MBA meetings, report back to the SEMBA Executive Committee and act at MBA meetings on behalf of SEMBA.

2.8 Directors

The directors shall perform such duties as are assigned by the president.

Article 3. Duties of Executive Committee

SEMBA shall be governed by the Executive Committee in accordance with the constitution and bylaws. The Executive Committee shall transact the general business of SEMBA and shall have the power to institute such rules and regulations as deemed necessary for the functioning of SEMBA. It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to plan and announce the regular meetings of SEMBA and to supply a program for those meetings. Rules and regulations considered relatively permanent shall be made part of the bylaws by using the process designated under the constitution’s Article VII (Amendments).

Article 4. Duties of Standing Committees

Standing committees are appointed by the president with advisory assistance of the Executive Committee.

4.1 Audit Committee

The Audit Committee shall conduct an audit of the books at least once annually.

4.2 Beekeeping Conference Committee

The Beekeeping Conference Committee shall consist of three or more members to plan, organize, and execute SEMBA’s annual beekeeping conference.

4.3 Additional Committees

Additional committees may be created by the president as deemed necessary. Duties of additional committees will be defined at the time they are established.

Article 5. Terms of Office

The officers shall hold office for a period of two years. The president, secretary and SEMBA directors shall be elected and take office in the even calendar years. The vice-president, treasurer, historian, and representative to the Michigan Beekeepers Association shall be elected and take office in the odd calendar years.

Officers and directors shall be elected by the Executive Committee and shall assume their offices immediately after the election. All candidates for SEMBA offices and director positions shall have been members in good standing for at least 12 months immediately prior to election.

In the event of vacancies in officer and director positions due to resignations, removals or other causes, the Executive Committee may appoint temporary officers or directors with a simple majority of votes. The temporary officers and directors shall remain in office until the next election occurs.

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