Sunday, February 20 - 7pm virtual meeting
Topic: Backyard Queens with Peggy Garnes
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Need a new queen? Learning to create two to five queens for your apiary is easier than you might think. We will cover selecting the right age larva, creating a starter/finisher and setting up your mating nuc, making your apiary more stable and sustainable.
Peggy has been keeping bees for over 20 years and manages well over 100 hives that include Langstroth, Top Bars and Warre. She is a member of six local beekeeping clubs and is currently President of Ohio State Beekeepers Association and Vice President of her local home club, Medina Beekeepers. Peggy teaches beginner, intermediate and advanced levels of beekeeping, queen rearing, 48 hour cells, and nuc building, and lectures at schools, churches, and various public and beekeeping groups.

Peggy Garnes
President, Ohio State Beekeepers Association
Vice President, Medina Beekeepers