Dr. Humberto Boncristiani
Bio: Dr. Humberto Boncristiani is a second-generation beekeeper and honey bee researcher with extensive experience at institutions such as the USDA, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, University of Maryland, and the University of Florida. His expertise lies in honey bee health, focusing on virology and apiary management. Through Inside The Hive Media & Consulting Inc., Dr. Boncristiani supports beekeeping businesses by optimizing operations and developing innovative products. He also runs the YouTube channel Inside The Hive TV, where he educates the public about honey bees and research advancements. Outside of work, he enjoys hiking, biking, cooking, and spending time with his two daughters, encouraging them in their pursuits.
Keynote Address: Pesticides: The Hidden Harm to Bees and All of Us – Pesticides are widely used in agriculture, but their impact on pollinators and ecosystems is often underestimated. In this keynote address, Dr. Humberto Boncristiani will discuss the harmful effects of pesticides on honey bee health and the broader environmental consequences. Drawing on his extensive research, Dr. Boncristiani will highlight how pesticide exposure contributes to colony decline and offer insight into the critical need for more sustainable practices to protect both bees and human health.
Cecilia Infante
Bio: Cecilia teaches beekeeping and runs three apiaries with her husband, a retired combat veteran (OIF/OEF). They founded Bee Warriors and promote the therapeutic power of beekeeping for individuals with PTSD, as well as the nutritional role of bee products in human and animal health. Cecilia earned her Ph.D. in literature from the University of Michigan, and currently blends her love of words and bees as instructor for SEMBA’s Bee School and writing consultant for Eastern Michigan University’s School of Nursing.
Presentation: Psychedelic and Functional Mushroom Honeys: Think Outside the Jar Honey and mushrooms have been used for their healing properties for thousands of years, but only recently have beekeepers begun to discover the healing power of infusing honey with magic and functional mushrooms. This presentation will explore the science and techniques of blending honey with psilocybin and lion’s mane mushrooms to help individuals with PTSD, substance-use disorders, depression and anxiety, and end-of-life existential distress.
Rich Wieske
Bio: All my life i hated meetings, quiet, introverted, Discovered mead, then apis melifica and all i can say is that “the bees made me do it.” A life long camera operator and media producer, mushroom hunter and tree hugger. Travelled around the world on a ship, loves making candles and chocolate truffles and teaching children about bees and pollinators. Currently, president: Michigan Beekeepers Association (MBA) and Educational Director of the Southeastern Michigan Beekeepers Association (SEMBA) and past president Heartland Apicultural Society (HAS-2015) Love going to conferences and talking with beekeepers, some of the greatest people in the world.
Presentation: Treasures of the Hive: The Alchemy of Honeybee Products and Honey Blends – Honeybees produce more than just honey; their hive is a treasure trove of products with unique properties and uses. This session will explore the fascinating world of bee-produced treasures, from honey and beeswax to propolis and royal jelly. Attendees will learn how these ingredients can be blended into distinctive honey varieties and natural remedies, offering insight into the art of creating delicious and beneficial products.
Kim Marie Wood
Bio: Kim is a lifelong educator who began exploring beekeeping as a “bucket-list” retirement adventure. Before long she was called back to classrooms, libraries, and museums to share her knowledge and enthusiasm and help others appreciate honeybees and native pollinators. You can learn more at waggledancehoneybees.com A lifelong West Michigan resident, Kim lives in North Muskegon. She has “urban” honeybees at her home, as well as apiaries in downtown Muskegon and Twin Lake. She is currently the president of Muskegon Area Beekeepers and serves on the board of the Muskegon Conservation District and the Michigan Beekeepers Association. Her husband Doug says “Kim doesn’t always talk about bees. Sometimes she is asleep!”
Presentation: My First Year of Beekeeping: No Mistakes, Only Lessons – The first year of beekeeping is full of surprises, challenges, and valuable learning experiences. This session will provide an honest look at the ups and downs of a beginner’s journey, sharing insights, practical tips, and key takeaways to help new beekeepers navigate their own first season with confidence.
Melvin DisselKoen
Bio: I started in beekeeping in 1972. I enjoyed 13 years with the bees before varroa showed on the scene in 1985. In those years I saw, first hand, what was normal in the beekeeping world. After that learning and seeing colonies fail I have been trying to get back to normal. To get back you will need to rear your own queens and I will show you how the OTS (ON-THE-SPOT) Queen Rearing and the broodbreak can control varroa and lead you into the future as it has with many beekeepers since 1900.
Presentation: On-the-Spot (OTS) Queen Rearing On the spot queen rearing (OTS) refers to a beekeeping technique where a beekeeper raises new queen bees directly within an existing colony by manipulating the brood pattern, essentially allowing the bees to naturally create queen cells without the need for grafting larvae, often used as a method to quickly replace a queen or control mite populations within a hive without additional manipulations or specialized equipment; it's considered a simpler method compared to traditional queen rearing techniques that involve grafting larvae into artificial queen cups.
Ana Heck
Bio: Ana Heck is Michigan State University's Apiculture Extension Educator. Her role engages beekeepers, growers, pesticide applicators, and home gardeners to improve pollinator health. Ana holds a master’s degree in public policy and a graduate minor in entomology from the University of Minnesota.
Presentation: Colony necropsy and Varroa: Learn to identify reasons for a colony’s death based on the clues the bees left behind and how to prevent colony loss in future beekeeping seasons.
Richard Wahl
Bio: Richard Wahl has 15 years experience learning beekeeping the hard way starting in 2010 with no mentor or club association and a swarm catch. He has been a self-sustainable beekeeper since 2018. Richard writes monthly articles for "bEE Culture" magazine, gives presentations at local clubs and conferences and teaches beginning honey bee husbandry as part of the Southwest Michigan Beekeepers association (SEMBA) Bee School staff. He is currently a member of the 7 Ponds Beekeeping Club, SEMBA and the MBA.
Presentation: SWARMS, SPLITS AND SUSTAINABILITY - You will learn about a swarm's main causes, symptoms of potential swarms, strategies to minimize swarms, the common traits of swarms and how to set up swarm traps. This session will also cover the main purpose of splits, best timing for splits,the mechanics of a split and different types of splits. You will walk away with the six key areas beekeepers need to be knowledgeable in to be self-sufficient.
Kristine Jacobson
Bio: Kristine Jacobson is an apitherapist and beekeeper. She has been administering BVT since 2003 and she has been and continues to be a featured speaker/presenter of apitherapy for many local and national organizations. Kristine has also been featured on The Travel Channel demonstrating BVT. Kristine is a lifelong resident of Michigan and she resides in Grand Rapids, MI.
Presentation: Apitherapy, Rx for Health, Naturally from the Honeybee – Apitherapy, the therapeutic use of bee products, offers natural remedies for a range of health conditions. In this session, Kristine Jacobson will introduce the powerful health benefits of bee venom therapy (BVT) and other apitherapy treatments. Learn about the history, applications, and growing popularity of using honeybee products to enhance well-being.
Jamie Walters
Bio: Jamie is currently 54 years old, married to Dalyla for 34 years, 2 daughters ~ Jessica & Ashlee, and 1 granddaughter, Kaydee. My background began as an electrician, electrical engineer, and then a CMM Technician. Later moving on as a volunteer firefighter, Associate Deputy with Defiance County Sheriff's Office and traveling IT Tech for H&R Block Corporate. My outdoor awakening started after my father passed away. Wanting to keep his plants at his funeral and having a black thumb. A transformation from OSU Master Gardener, Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist, Life Member of OSBA, OSU Pollinator Specialist ~ Advocate, Vice-President of Northwest Ohio Beekeepers, Instrumental Insemination Certified by Purdue University, President of Black Swamp Beekeepers, ODA County Bee Inspector, OSBA Honey Judge, President of (Ohio's 4th) Pollinator Sanctuary & Training Facility of Defiance County, and starting from within OSBA as a volunteer to my current position as OSBA President. I currently run 40ish colonies of bees through the summer, rearing queens (open-mated & instrumentally inseminated), selling nucs, and helping my wife produce hive products. I fight for the pollinators by having healthy bees, understanding (IPM) integrated pest management, planting pollinator habitats, and honey bee animal husbandry. My goal is to help the next generation of people who volunteer and want to join these hobbies, be sustainable, and enjoy life as much as I have.
Senad Livadic
Bio: I am born in Bosnia and Hercegovna, and came to the USA in 1998. I have 32 years experience working with bees. I am lifetime Semba member and served 6 years as Semba 1st vice president. I currently work with 30-40 colonies, make and sell nucs, and mentor about 20 beekeepers.
Presentation: Health Benefits from Beehive Products – Beehive products, including honey, propolis, royal jelly, and bee pollen, have been used for centuries for their potential health benefits. In this session, attendees will explore the science behind these natural wonders, from their antimicrobial properties to their potential as immune boosters and anti-inflammatory agents. Learn how to incorporate these products into your wellness routine and understand their therapeutic uses in modern health practices.
James Lee
Bio: James Lee is the President of the Sustainable Beekeepers Guild of Michigan, a virtual educational organization with over 750 local and international members. He is also the founder of the Northern Queen Initiative and owner of James Lee's Bees in Romulus, MI where he lives with his wife Rachel and their 5 children. James manages 60-100 colonies pursuing sustainability in apiculture and produces nucs and queens with a focus on hardy Northern climate survivors selected for mite-resistance.
Presentation: Treatment Averse Beekeeping: Avoiding the Chemical Treadmill and the Future of Resistance Breeding In this presentation James will discuss the intersection of treatment and treatment free beekeeping. He will also share scientific data supporting queen breeding techniques that work in small apiaries. He will also conclude with an update on new evidence for mite-resistant breeding success for all beekeepers. Beekeepers will be able to apply these techniques in their own apiaries and improve future queen rearing outcomes!
Clay Ottoni
Bio: Clay Ottoni is an attorney, beekeeper and farmer. Clay is the current president of the Oakland Beekeepers' Club, current a flow hive instructor for the Ann Arbor Beekeepers Club, and has been teaching beekeeping for over 25 years at MSU Tollgate Farm. Clay is a life member of several beekeepers associations including the Michigan Beekeepers Association (M.B.A.), the Southeast Michigan Beekeepers Association (S.E.M.B.A.), the Center of Michigan Beekeepers, the Ohio Beekeepers Association, the Pine River Bee Club (P.R.B.C.), and the Saginaw Valley Beekeepers Club. He is a founding member of the P.R.B.C., was a past director of M.B.A. and was the second longest tenured President in the history of S.E.M.B.A. Clay is a Master Gardener, Advanced Master Gardener, and has risen to the level of Master Gardener of the Year. Clay is a long time beekeeper practicing his craft for over 40 years solely in Michigan. Due to his success at overwintering his bees in Michigan, he has done so without having to purchase or acquire a hive of bees, a nuc, package, queen, swarm, or any other bee since his second year, Clay has made presentations to community groups and beekeeping organizations about beekeeping in Michigan and other States. Some of these include the Center of Michigan Beekeepers, Michigan Honey Festival, Mid-Michigan Beekeepers Club, Monroe Bee Club (which he help to form), Oakland Beekeepers' Club, Owosso Bee Club, Saginaw Valley Beekeepers Club, P.R.B.C., S.E.M.B.A., and M.B.A. Clay also volunteers with, and has been a presenter, for several local wildlife and habitat groups including the Bower's Farm, Michigan Nut and Fruit Growers Association, National Deer Association, National Wild Turkey Federation, and Pheasants Forever.
Presentation: The Art of Cut Comb Honey Cut Comb Honey has many benefits including being all natural requiring less equipment and processing. In fact, you likely have everything you need in your bee hive, kitchen and garage/shed/barn so you should have no added monetary outlay other than for a container to sell (it is extremely profitable -- at least $440 in revenue per shallow) or to give to friends and family the most natural, yummy hive product.
Donovan Brendenkamp
Bio: With over 9 years in EMS and a decade of Search and Rescue experience, Donovan serves as a full-time paramedic on an ICU ambulance in Northern Indiana and part-time with a 911 response service in Southwest Michigan. Passionate about outdoor activities, including beekeeping, Donovan has recently reignited this hobby after overcoming personal life challenges. Currently, Donovan's interests are focused on Medical Mission Work, emphasising a holistic approach—integrating Bible-based spiritual care, conventional medicine, and alternative therapies—to achieve comprehensive health restoration.
Presentation: Apiary and Bee Risk Management A good class for people considering beekeeping or those who just started. We cover what to look for in an apiary site and things one needs to consider when setting up an Apiary. We also cover do’s and don’t, a lot of things we know but do not consider or always pay attention to.
Lisa Stinson
Bio: A self described “accidental beekeeper,” Lisa Stinson has been keeping bees for nine years. She is a sideliner in rural Lapeer County who simply has a passion for helping people keep their bees alive, to the best of her ability. Lisa is a member of 7 Ponds Beekeepers and an instructor for Southeastern Michigan Beekeepers Association beekeeping school.
Presentation: What To Expect When You Don’t Know What To Expect Truer words were never applied to beginning beekeepers than the phrase, “You don’t know what you don’t know.” In her presentation, Lisa Stinson aims to shed light on some surprises and conundrums encountered in the early days of beekeeping and offers beginners tips on how to be prepared for them.
Michael Sautter
Bio: Michael has been a beekeeper for 25+ years. As an active sideline beekeeper with over 100 colonies, Michael’s knowledge has been acquired by doing hands-on work with the bees, including swarm collecting and removals, research, networking and attending numerous local & regional seminars. Several years ago after attending a Larry Connors queen rearing course in Detroit, he began rearing quality queens and nucs. Recently he earned his Kentucky Queen Breeders Certificate. In the last 15 years he has obtained breeder queens from various locations throughout the United States. Michael is passionate about helping others in their quest for sustainable beekeeping, by providing support, encouragement and education, as well as being a source for quality locally bred queens and nucs.
Presentation: Hive Inspection Fundamentals for Beginner Beekeepers Michael will share his extensive experience to help newcomers develop essential skills for effective hive inspections, ensuring healthy and productive colonies.
Dr. Melissa Holahan
Bio: Dr. Melissa Holahan is a veterinarian specializing in small ruminants and honeybees. She earned her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from Michigan State University in 2006, followed by a one-year internship at the University of Pennsylvania and a three-year critical care residency at Michigan State University. After 12 years in small animal medicine, Dr. Holahan pursued her passion for small ruminants and beekeeping by establishing Caprine & Ewe (& Bees Too) Veterinary Consulting in 2022. Her mobile practice serves sheep, goats, camelids, and honeybees throughout Michigan, focusing on small ruminant reproduction and honeybee health. In addition to her veterinary work, she owns and manages Chubb E. Acres Farm, a small livestock farm and apiary in Northville, Michigan. Dr. Holahan is dedicated to evidence-based medicine, supporting local farmers, and educating others through internships, externships, and speaking engagements.
Presentation: Top 5 Diseases Seen in the Hive (From a Veterinary Perspective) – Honeybee health is critical to colony survival, and understanding the most common diseases can help beekeepers take proactive steps to protect their hives. In this session, Dr. Holahan will break down the top five diseases affecting honeybee colonies, offering expert insight on identification, prevention, and treatment strategies from a veterinary perspective.
Andrew Connor
Bio: Andrew Connor BSW has been working in the mental health field under several different hats. His most favorite one can share his joy of beekeeping with co-workers (who keep on bringing him anything bee related) and with his clients to help them relax and get a better understanding of the world of the honeybee. He was raised by an entomologist but only 14 years ago decided to dive into the joy and pleasure of this great hobby. Since getting into beekeeping, he has brought his love of helping others and beekeeping to his book titled BeeCabulary Essentials, and has been giving talks to other beekeepers in several states. One of his current projects is creating a cookbook made up of any recipe containing honey from as many states and countries as possible.
Presentation: The Different Bees and Their Jobs A thriving honeybee colony depends on teamwork, with each bee playing a vital role. This session will explore the distinct duties of queens, workers, and drones, from brood care and foraging to hive maintenance and reproduction. Understanding these roles helps beekeepers better manage their colonies and support their natural instincts.